Tuesday 28 August 2012

Fighting Like a Hawke - just over 2 WEEKS LEFT on fundraise!


With only 17 DAYS LEFTon the fundraise, we still have $3,530 remaining to gather, in order to complete all filming next year with a second and final shoot.

A new Facebook page was launched recently. Check it out at:

As we've had a massive surge of followers and traffic over the last few days there, I'd like to sincerely ask each and every one of you to consider making even the smallest contribution.

A low-cost $10 perk was introduced over a week ago, and there's still many other rewards to be had, ranging from $25 to $1,000.

The CAMPAIGN LINK once again is:  

Please help us in reaching our goal, to finally complete photography of this special & unprecedented project.

Kindest regards and thanks again,


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